Donating to Soldier On
I have always said that when I was able to, Daily Orders would be donating to Soldier On Australia. I am now in a position to do so and have now made my first donation to support this wonderful organisation. If you don't know who Soldier On are, please read on below - this is their introduction on their site:
"Soldier On’s mission is to achieve the best reintegrated generation of serving and ex-serving men and women in Australia’s history. To achieve this, Soldier On supports those who have served by focusing on their physical and mental health, their family, their community, and their future. 72,000 Australians have served in the Australian Defence Force since 1990, and thousands will be effected by their service, be it physically or psychologically. Soldier On provides a suite of services and access to partner organisations to meet the needs of our wounded so that they can start their journey on their road to recovery. Soldier On supports anyone who has served Australia and their families. This includes those who have served as part of the Army, Navy, Air Force, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian Federal Police, and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, which includes Australian Border Force. This help can be accessed by contacting Soldier On or by heading to one of our Reintegration and Recovery Centres across the country. There you will find support staff, psychological assistance, links with local services and a support network of other veterans and families. It’s our turn to fight for you – we’ve got your back."
Why have I chosen to support Soldier On? Being a Navy veteran myself, Soldier On's mission is close to my heart. They have helped a number of my friends, particularly one who has been suffering with PTSD from her service in Iraq.
This is one small way to thank Soldier On for what they have done for her, and for all of those other veterans and emergency services members who are struggling. Thank you, Soldier On Australia.
I will continue to donate as my finances allow. If you want to donate to Soldier On, please visit https://donation.giveeasy.org/soldier-on Once I have a fundraising page set up, I will post it here and on my site.
All the best xx

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